Saturday 27 November 2010

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Band : Zeus
Title : Keagungan
Genre : Gothic metal
Country : indonesia

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Band :Gladness
Title :Ilusi
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Country : indonesia
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Genre :  gothic metal
Country : indonesia

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MONALISA - TERTIKAM KEGELAPAN Free download Review mp3 gothic metal bans,black metal bands,thrash metal band,doom metal bands,symphonic metal bands, and othr metal subgenres.

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Band : Monalisa
Title : Tertikam kegelapan
Genre : Gothic metal
Country : indonesia
mayat hidup

VALHALLA - KESUNYIAN ABADI Free download Review mp3 gothic metal bans,black metal bands,thrash metal band,doom metal bands,symphonic metal bands, and othr metal subgenres.

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Band :  Valhalla
Title :  Kesunyian abadi
Genre : Gothic metal
Country : Indonesia

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MOKSA - TAKAN HILANG DAN TENGGELAM Free download Review mp3 gothic metal bans,black metal bands,thrash metal band,doom metal bands,symphonic metal bands, and othr metal subgenres.

Fee download mp3 now :
Band : Moksa
Title : Takkan hilang dan tenggelam
Genre : Gothic metal
Country : Indonesia